Cover image for Smart cities of the future
Smart cities of the future
Scientific American, inc., editor.
Physical Description:
160 pages ; 24 cm.
Scientific American explores big ideas.
Trends in urbanization. Myths of the city / Lost garden cities: pre-Columbian life in the Amazon / Gigalopolises: urban land area may triple by 2030 / Decoding Mexico's city of Gods / A tale of two city-states / The rise of homo verticalis / Cities are surprisingly fragile / The science of cities. Bigger cities do more with less / Grid unlocked: how street networks evolve as cities grow / How traffic jams decentralize cities / Simple mathematical law predicts movement in cities around the world / Urban inequality. Why building green can keep people out of jail / Share the wealth: new urban poverty atlases now provide data to slum dwellers / Street markets and shantytowns forge the world's urban future / Race colors new residents' views of local businesses / Photos tagged as art linked to rising property prices / Who benefits from public green space? / Imagining the future city . Revolutionary rail: high-speed rail plan will bring fast trains to the U.S. / Auto Immune: cities convert streets into pedestrian, cyclist and mass transit thoroughfares / Can suburbs be designed to do away with the car? / Can a sustainable city rise in the middle eastern desert? / The inconvenient truth about smart cities / What's holding smart cities back? / Designing the green city. The fishy business of waste / How green is my city / How businesses use data to outsmart nature's wrath / "Positive cities" can improve earth as well as people's life / Sustainable cities put waste to work / U.S. cities lose tree cover just when they need it most / Cities need to prepare for water day zero / Sustainability solutions for megacities / What is a smart grid, and how might one protect our energy future
"Through the use of smart technology-an integrated network of computers and telecommunication devices that collect a large amount of data to facilitate machine learning and artificial intelligence-urban areas have the opportunity to optimize public services, improve infrastructure, and operate in a more environmentally friendly way. However, those who are skeptical of smart cities argue that the large amount of data that is collected could easily be abused or fall into the wrong hands, violating the privacy of city-dwellers. This volume offers a wide range of perspectives on the potential high-tech future of cities"-- Provided by publisher.
Reading Level:
Grades 10-12 Scientific American Educational Publishing.