Growing up with tamales [readalong] = Los tamales de Ana
Growing up with tamales [readalong] = Los tamales de Ana
Zepeda, Gwendolyn, author.
Personal Author:
VOX book.
Physical Description:
1 audio-enabled book (1 volume (unpaged)) : color illustrations ; 29 cm
VOX Books.
General Note:
Book originally published: Houston, TX : Piñata Books, ©2008.
VOX Audio playback device includes headphone jack, external speaker, play/pause button, volume controls, page-turning controls, rechargeable battery, and removable AC adapter.
"The permanently attached VOX Reader transforms an ordinary print book into an all-in-one read-along. There's no need for computers, tablets or CDs. Children simply push a button to listen and read"--Publisher's Web site
Six-year-old Ana looks forward to growing older and being allowed more responsibility in making the tamales for the family's Christmas celebrations.
Program Information:
Accelerated Reader/Renaissance Learning LG 3.6 0.5.
Accelerated Reader AR LG 3.3 0.5 122548. English.
Accelerated Reader LG 3.6 0.5.