Cover image for By broad Potomac's shore : great poems from the early days of our nation's capital
By broad Potomac's shore : great poems from the early days of our nation's capital
By broad Potomac's shore : great poems from the early days of our nation's capital
Roberts, Kim, 1961- editor.
Physical Description:
xxii, 332 pages ; 23 cm
Machine generated contents note: The Earliest Bards -- Joel Barlow -- From The Columbiad -- From The Hasty Pudding -- Thomas Law -- The Moth -- John Quincy Adams -- To a Lady -- The Lip and the Heart -- To the Sun-Dial -- Thomas Kennedy -- Ode to the Mammoth Cheese -- James Kirke Paulding -- The Old Man's Carousal -- Francis Scott Key -- Defense of Fort M'Henry -- Song -- To My Cousin Mary -- Joseph Story -- Advice to a Young Lawyer -- The Druid Rites: A Fragment -- George Washington Parke Custis -- Lines Written for the Centennial Anniversary of the Birth of Washington -- John Agg -- Mrs. Adams's Ball -- George Watterston -- My Native Home -- Emma Willard -- Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep -- To a Young Lady -- Lafayette's Welcome -- The Rift of the Civil War -- John Pierpont -- A Word from a Petitioner -- Oft, in the Chilly Night -- B. B. French -- A Short Poem on the Death of Abraham Lincoln -- From Fitz Clarence: A Poem -- Albert Pike -- Dixie -- The Magnolia -- Margaret Lucy Shands Bailey -- Endurance -- William Slade -- The Slave to His Star -- Arthur Bowen -- Farewell -- Frederick Douglass -- A Parody -- After the Departure of a Friend -- Walt Whitman -- By Broad Potomac's Shore -- Vigil Strange I Kept on the Field One Night -- The Wound-Dresser -- Sara Clarke Lippincott (Grace Greenwood) -- The Leap from the Long Bridge -- George Boyer Vashon -- From Vincent Oge -- Mary E. Nealy -- Arlington -- O. O. Howard -- The Blue and the Gray -- John Sella Martin -- From The Hero and the Slave -- The Sentinel of Freedom -- Elizabeth Akers Allen -- Spring at the Capital -- Lost Light -- Rock Me to Sleep -- John L. McCreery -- There Is No Death -- Sarah Morgan Bryan Piatt -- Hearing the Battle -- July 21, 1861 -- Army of Occupation -- April at Washington -- Thomas Bailey Aldrich -- Accomplices -- Fredericksburg -- Memory -- Fanny Jackson Coppin -- The Black Volunteers -- John Willis Menard -- The Negro's Lament -- Laura Reddon Searing (Howard Glyndon) -- In Time of War -- Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet -- John A. Joyce -- Grants Mustered Out! -- Decoration Day Poem -- Walter H. Brooks -- The Fall of Richmond, April 3, 1865 -- Jeanie Gould Lincoln -- My Soldier's Grave -- T. Thomas Fortune -- Nat Turner -- Lincoln -- The Diamond in the Clay -- Slavery to the Slave! -- Poets of Moral Persuasion -- Daniel Alexander Payne -- From The Pleasures -- Christopher Pearse Cranch -- Correspondences -- The Pines and the Sea -- Jane Grey Swisshelm -- To George D. Prentiss -- November -- Anna Hanson Dorsey -- From Sunset among the Alps -- Charles Astor Bristed (Carl Benson) -- The Drinker's Apology -- The Pertinacious Toper -- Caroline Healey Dall -- At a Death-Bed -- Madeleine Vinton Dahlgren -- A First Pair of Spectacles -- The Blue Ridge -- Solomon G. Brown -- God's Vengeance Is Creeping -- Fifty Years To-Day -- Mary Abigail Dodge (Gail Hamilton) -- Note -- To Dr. Bailey, with a Pair of Gloves, Christmas -- Henry McNeal Turner -- Hymn -- One Year Ago Today -- Mary Emily Neeley Bradley -- Beyond Recall -- Margaret Louisa Sullivan Burke -- In Spite of Fate -- Mary Clemmer Ames -- The Joy of Work -- Rose Elizabeth Cleveland -- From The Dilemma of the Nineteenth Century -- Marian Longfellow O'Donoghue (Miriam Lester) -- Leeward -- Newell Houston Ensley -- Write Thy Name -- Wendell Phillips Stafford -- On the Photograph of a Lynching -- The Cry of the Dark -- Passing Mount Vernon -- John Henry Paynter -- To Emperor Selassie -- Kelly Miller -- The Cat -- Isabel Likens Gates -- R.O.T.C., 1917 -- Bertha Gerneaux Davis -- At Arlington -- The Service Flag -- Kendall Banning -- God's Puppets -- Poets of the American Scene -- Horatio King -- "All's Well" -- Anne Lynch Botta -- Webster -- The Bee -- To an Astronomer -- In the Library -- Donn Piatt -- We Parted at the Omnibus -- Jeremiah Eames Rankin -- From Broken Cadences: An Ode in Three Parts -- Charles G. Halpine (Miles O'Reilly) -- Webster -- Eliza Woodworth -- Asleep upon the Grass -- On the Beach -- Edward Robert Bulwer-Lytton (Owen Meredith) -- The Cloud -- John James Piatt -- Taking the Night-Train -- To Walt Whitman, the Man -- Harriet Prescott Spofford -- Evanescence -- Reprieve -- A Weed -- Mary Toles Peet -- Ethels Letter -- John Burroughs -- The Bobolink -- Waiting -- Charlotte Forten Grimke -- The Gathering of the Grand Army -- Charles Sumner -- Wordsworth -- At Newport -- A Parting Hymn -- Cincinnatus Heine Miller (Joaquin Miller) -- By the Pacific Ocean -- Sea-Blown -- Henry Adams -- Prayer to the Dynamo -- The Capitol by Moonlight -- John Hay -- The Crows at Washington -- Two on the Terrace -- Esmerelda Boyle -- Love Me Little, Love Me Long -- George Alfred Townsend (Gath) -- Cloture -- Julia Von Stosch Schayer -- The Moon-Flower -- Ambrose Bierce -- The Statesmen -- The New Decalogue -- A Year's Casualties -- Alfred Islay Walden -- Dedicated to a Young Lady Representing the Indian Race at Howard University -- The Nation's Friend -- Charles Warren Stoddard -- The First Rain -- Emily Thornton Charles (Emily Hawthorn) -- Rondeau -- William Henry Babcock -- Walt Whitman -- Edgar Poe's Grave -- Grace Denio Litchfield -- The Setting Sun -- Good Bye -- Robert Underwood Johnson -- In Tesla's Laboratory -- On Nearing Washington -- William Temple Hornaday -- The Whispering Pine -- Anne Kelledy Gilbert -- Grief -- Arlington -- Snow -- Cecil Arthur Spring-Rice -- The St. Gaudens Monument at Rock Creek Cemetery -- Carrie Williams Clifford -- To Howard University -- Peril -- Tercentenary of the Landing of Slaves at Jamestown -- Egyptian Sphinx -- Lincoln -- Maud Andrews Ohl (Annulet Andrews) -- Why Is It? -- Richard Hovey -- An Off-Shore Villanelle -- Evening on the Potomac -- John Claggett Proctor -- Georgia Avenue -- Helen Hay Whitney -- Alone -- Sapphics -- The Seal -- The Rise of the Personal -- Paul Claudel -- Sieste/Nap -- Alice Archer Sewall James -- There Is a Veil -- The Greek Bath -- James Weldon Johnson -- Mother Night -- To America -- O Black and Unknown Bards -- Paul Laurence Dunbar -- Lovers Lane -- Slow through the Dark -- Douglass -- We Wear the Mask -- Leonora Speyer -- The Saint-Gaudens Statue in Rock Creek Cemetery, Washington -- Suddenly -- Ascent -- Measure Me, Sky -- Mary Berri Chapman Hansbrough -- Debonair -- After Grief -- Alice Moore Dunbar-Nelson -- I Sit and Sew -- The Lights at Carney's Point -- Sonnet -- To the Negro Farmers of the United States -- Gertrude Simmons Bonnin (Zitkala-Sa) -- Winona's Aria: The Magic of the Night -- Natalie Clifford Barney -- More Night! -- A Sonnet to My Lady with the Jaundice -- How Write the Beat of Love -- Georgia Douglas Johnson -- The Heart of a Woman -- Little Son -- Prejudice -- Common Dust -- To John Brown -- Pledge -- Eloise Bibb Thompson -- Tribute -- After Reading Bryant's Lines to a Waterfowl -- Don Marquis -- The Prudes Alphabet -- A Politician -- Angelina Weld Grimke -- A Winter Twilight -- The Want of You -- Dawn -- To the Dunbar High School: A Sonnet -- To Keep the Memory of Charlotte Forten Grimke -- Juan Ramon Jimenez -- El mar/The Sea -- Jessie Redmon Fauset -- Oriflamme -- Dead Fires -- Rondeau -- La vie cest la vie -- Edith B.

Mirick -- Turn of Tide -- Walter Everette Hawkins -- A Spade Is Just a Spade -- Where Air of Freedom Is -- Child of the Night -- Louise Kidder Sparrow -- Hokkus in Sequence -- Elinor Wylie -- Wild Peaches -- Sonnet -- Atavism -- Mariano Brull -- Interior: Soneto V/Interior: Sonnet V -- Caresse Crosby -- Coffins Beach -- Nile-Boat -- Archibald MacLeish -- Soul-Sight -- Jean Toomer -- Beehive -- Seventh Street -- Her Lips Are Copper Wire -- Reapers -- Otto Leland Bohanan -- The Washer-Woman -- Muna Lee -- Methodist Revival -- Electors -- Melilot -- Herbert Gerhard Bruncken -- To a Thrush at Evening -- Rondeau -- Esther Popel Shaw -- Flag Salute -- Grant Me Strength -- Theft -- Ruth Muskrat Bronson -- Sentenced: A Dirge -- Songs of the Spavinaw -- The Hunter's Wooing -- Joseph Auslander -- Dawn at the Rain's Edge -- Home-Bound -- Lewis Grandison Alexander -- Hokku -- Frank Smith Home -- To a Persistent Phantom.
"A collection of the great poems from our nation's capital, from its founding up to the early twentieth century"-- Provided by publisher.
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